Sharp Dentistry & Associates

Since 1906

All Specialties For All Your Dental Needs

Change your life with Dental Implants

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants can create a strong base for fixed or removable teeth. There are many advantages to dental implants, including improved appearance and comfort, becoming easier to eat and express naturally. Dental implants can also improve self-esteem and patient health. Besides the durability, dental implants are convenient in comparison with dental crowns and other methods.

by Dr. Liliana Arangurem

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Struggling with failing teeth or crowns? Having a hard time chewing? Embarrassed to even smile? we can create a full set of upper and or lower teeth permanently anchored on as few as four dental implants per upper or lower arch with our first immediately loaded dental implant case. Patients can return to normal esthetics and function immediately after dental implant placement. Thousands of thoroughly satisfied patients are still enjoying the benefits of their dental implant procedures.

The Smile You Deserve

We’d love to help you achieve the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. With dental implants, whether a single tooth, multiple teeth, or a full arch restoration, you’ll obtain a permanent solution that looks and feels just like real teeth. Chew what you want. Smile all the time! As one patient commented:

“My confidence level is really over the top. Not only am I able to show my joy when I’m happy, I’m able to be on the other side of the camera rather than just taking pictures of my family. I feel that I can go up to anybody and smile and get a lot of compliments. It’s changed my life in every way possible!”

Call us at (305)857-0990 to set up a consultation or fill in our website contact page for an appointment