
Sharp Dentistry & Associates

Since 1906

All Specialties For All Your Dental Needs

Dental Tips for a Healthy, Fun and Sweet Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time for parents and especially for children. They will have fun and eat their candy too! With these easy tips, they will enjoy and have a healthier, fun and smarter Halloween

  • Prior to Halloween, visit your dentist for a regular check-up and dental cleaning. It is important to keep your kid’s pearls in perfect shape!
  • Give your children a good nutritious meal before they go trick or treating. Mashed pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and a great snack!
  • Try to avoid all unnecessary sugar that day; that way, if they do have a few treats later, they won’t run the risk of overdosing on sweet stuff.
  • Set limits on how much candy can be eaten. When your children return home from trick or treating, ask them to pick ten pieces of candy that they want to keep. Take the rest away and use them as substitutes for lunch treats, desserts or give them away to charity.
  • Instruct your children not to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by you. This way you can check for any problem candy.
  • Supervise your children to have their teeth brushed and flossed immediately after consuming Halloween candy and right before bed.

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For an appointment with Dr. Sharp please call (305) 857-0990